Here are twelve simple principles for wellness living that are easy to grasp and follow. If so inclined, you can consider this list a 12-step program.
1. Walk briskly or otherwise exercise to the point of elevating your heart rate for at least 30 minutes daily.
2, Find a way to get paid for doing whatever it is you enjoy. Take your time about this–the pursuit of avocations on a part-time basis may be necessary for decades before you reach this marvelous objective.
3. Do what you must to experience at least 23 DBRU equivalents daily. (If you are unfamiliar with the idea of DBRU’s, no worries. Substitute the phrase little experiences or moments that lead you to feel that you are enjoying the best of times that life can offer.)
4. Develop a perspective that embraces responsibility for whatever goes well or poorly in your day and enables you to get on with making the best of things given conditions that exist, in lieu of tendencies to blame, excuse, whine, whimper or shift accountability to someone or something else.
5. Do not rely on the health care system for YOUR health. This so-called system is not about health–it’s a huge disease and illness-based business irrelevant to excellent health and a disciplined wellness lifestyle. No matter how expensive or how wondrous doctors, drugs and the medical system can be when used appropriately, what you do or do not do (in concert with human biology/culture/and your environment) will be the critical variable in affecting the quality of your appearance, vitality and overall health.
6. Exploit the wonders of the unprecedented information age to become an expert in medicine and health, proficient in accessing information that you desire when you want it, capable of using it appropriately, consistent with your best interests. Among the richest resources for those with computers are e-mail, the world-wide web and state-of-the-art software programs on computer disks.
7. Resolve to go out of your way daily to experience humor, lightness, fun, joy–good times by whatever name you prefer. Laughter and assorted pleasures strengthen your immune system, metabolize bad vibes and act in 1001 ways to make your everyday life richer and fuller. Unlike frustrations, setbacks, tragedy and disaster, however, initiative is needed to bring these sensations up beyond the minimal level of occurrences.
8. Develop a deep and abiding sense of tolerance for diversity of all kinds, especially differences in styles, appearances, religions, politics, values and opinions at variance with your own. This is one of the most effective ways to eliminate negative stressors that come from unnecessary and futile judgments as well as temptations to try to change people to think or be more like you. They’re not interested and you’ll never be effective enough at it to make it worth the grief. Even if they were interested and you were magically effective, they might end up worse off than they were before you changed them. Live your own life and wish others well.
9. Find as many people to love as possible. Some of them will probably love you back, or at least be nice to you.
10. Embark on a life-long quest to determine the meanings of life, and make this decision primarily in accordance with the rich data base of your own life experiences, observations and reflections. Stay open to readjustments to ideas about your life purposes and ways of finding meaning as new possibilities suggest themselves over time.
10. Be of service to others, for YOUR sake. In your own fashion, reach out and make a difference in someone else’s life by supporting a cause, helping the needy, working with a kid–anything. Just don’t get sanctimonious about it and realize that the greatest beneficiary will be you–it will add to your sense of worth, purpose and the like. Frankl, Maslow, Yalom and dozens of other psychiatrists, existentialists and assorted scholars have urged engagement for mental health.
11. Don’t look for or even accept any awards for good deeds. Good work is it’s own reward. Doing the right things is its own reward, since it makes you feel good to do it; conversely, don’t be too overwhelmed by the good deeds of others. I can’t see why anybody made a fuss about Mother Theresa! She did what made her feel good, namely, she promoted Catholic dogma! In a sense, Mother Theresa was only immersed in self-indulgence! Mother Theresa was being selfish while giving the world the impression she was selfless. Fine. Who would complain? Nobody. Who should be impressed? Nobody. (For the truth as I see it about this woman, read Christopher Hitchens book, “The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice.”)
12. Find lots of heroes to emulate, in some ways. It’s not a good idea to adopt a single hero, for everyone has strengths and weaknesses and only the former are worth copying. Think of traits you admire and the people who manage those qualities with dignity, panache and flair–or whatever appeals to you. When you want to function at what you consider your best in these areas, think of your hero for that aspect of living. How would he/she deal with this? Then do your version, with the role model (hero) in mind.
(By the way, my hero is Calvin of “Calvin and Hobbes” fame. I just ask myself, “What position would Calvin take on this aspect of living a wellness lifestyle?” For those not familiar with Bill Watterson’s cartoon strip and Calvin’s style, well, consider this: In vouching for his character in a recent letter to Santa Claus, Hobbes wrote, “…the kid tries to be sort of good if he’s not tempted otherwise.”)
Well, that’s my 12-step wellness program for a lifestyle of value in sickness or health. Anyone can follow these simple instructions, grasp the nature of living sensibly and follow a wellness lifestyle. I plan to give it a shot myself.
Publisher of the ARDELL WELLNESS REPORT – an electronic newsletter devoted to weekly commentaries on current issues that affect personal and social well being from a quality of life perspective. The emphasis is on REAL wellness. REAL stands for the key issues embraced and advanced in Don’s philosophy, namely, Reason, Exuberance, Athleticism and Liberty. Sample copy of latest edition by request. If you like it, you can sign up – the price is right – free. [email protected]
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