Marijuana consumption is a widespread social practice that, however, is illegal in our country. Many times the subject is talked about in a somewhat superficial way: either condemning it for being a drug, encouraging a system that prosecutes and persecutes those who consume it; or celebrating it and promoting its consumption as a natural substance full of beneficial properties Dispensary.
The truth, as always, is a little more complex: it is neither as dangerous as some make it out to be, nor is it as harmless as others say . To know a little more, and so that you can make your decisions with verified and quality information, we write this note.
What is marijuana?
It is the name commonly given to the cannabis plant , especially to 3 subspecies: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica and cannabis ruderalis . This plant has different chemical components, such as cannabinoids, among which tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) stand out.
THC is a psychotropic substance: it is what “sticks” in recreational marijuana use, although there are also studies that show that it has beneficial effects in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy, chronic pain, and spasticity in cases of multiple sclerosis.
CBD, on the other hand, does not have recreational effects, but rather medicinal ones : there are studies that show that it is anti-inflammatory , helps control seizures in patients with epilepsy , and would have neurological effects in the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s , among other properties. therapeutics that are currently being studied.
Other less known components are terpenes, which give the characteristic aroma and flavor of each variety, and are present in other plants that we usually use to calm some discomfort, such as linden, mint, lemon and many more. These molecules have active properties in themselves, and can act in conjunction with cannabinoids.
Is the consumption of marijuana legal in Argentina?
The recreational use of marijuana is prohibited in almost the entire world, although in some jurisdictions it is legal: without going any further, in Uruguay its consumption is legalized and regulated. In Argentina, however, possession of plants, seeds or flowers for recreational use is punishable by up to 15 years in prison .
In August 2009, the Supreme Court of the Nation pointed out the unconstitutionality of the article of the drug law that penalizes the possession of marijuana for personal use in the private sphere. However, this precedent (known as the Arriola ruling ) does not modify the law; For this reason, a person can be detained.
According to a report from the Ombudsman’s Office of the province of Buenos Aires , in 2018, 18,270 cases were initiated for possession of drugs for personal consumption . This means that, although there is less social condemnation of recreational marijuana use, its possession for personal use is still illegal and can cause a headache.
Its medicinal use, on the other hand, has been legalized and regulated since 2017 through a law that allows its use in scientific research and in the treatment of refractory epilepsy. However, it did not allow self-cultivation , that is, patients can grow their own plants to distill CBD oil.
This limitation was recently overcome, through a decree of November 2020 that updates the regulations of the law and allows self-cultivation for medicinal purposes, the sale of derived products in pharmacies and extends its use to the treatment of other pathologies.
What are the effects of smoking a joint?
Cannabis normally causes relaxation and drowsiness, although certain varieties also have stimulating and creative effects. Also disinhibition and clumsiness when moving and speaking . It alters, like alcohol, the senses, and can modify visual perception (such as colors) or temporal perception (such as the passage of time), and social relationships.
At a physiological level it has some side effects, such as drying the mouth and eyes (which can become red and itchy) and generating increased appetite, tachycardia and high blood pressure.
The psychoactive component of marijuana acts on specific receptors on neurons, the structural cells of the brain, triggering a series of chemical responses that have effects on the way we feel and behave. Saying that it “hits” means that it produces certain chemical reactions in the brain whose obvious effect is that our conscious perception of the world is altered.
The brain responds to cannabinoids (THC and CBD) because we have an “endocannabinoid system” that is responsible for the control of memory, mood, appetite, sleep and other functions . Although they seem destined for each other, the endocannabinoid system and plant components did not arise together: our evolution developed a mechanism (in the form of receptors and neurotransmitters) to regulate these functions, and other organisms, such as cannabis, generated their own chemical tools for survival. It was culture that led us to try a lot of plants, substances and foods, among which we find marijuana.
Is smoking the same as eating marijuana?
The two main routes of entry into the body are through the lungs (either by smoking or vaping), or through the intestine (eating or drinking). Medicinal treatments with cannabis are mostly oral, and it is consumed as oil.
When smoking or vaporizing, the effects appear almost immediately, and reach their greatest intensity in the first 15 minutes or so; They then begin to fade before an hour has passed and are almost gone after about 3 hours.
When ingested orally, as food or drink, the effects of cannabis take much longer to appear, between 1 and 2 hours. Its effects can last 5 hours or even more . Although this form of consumption avoids risks to the lungs, it is difficult to regulate the amount because consumption does not generate an immediate effect; This can lead to overconsumption.
It must be taken into account that, depending on the reason for which it is used, one type of consumption may be recommended over another. For example, for certain therapeutic uses, it is sought to maintain a concentration over time of a type of plant component, which can be guaranteed through oils or resins; On the other hand, when inhaled by vaporization (it does not produce the harmful substances of smoking as it does not reach such high temperatures) a quick effect is obtained, used as a rescue as the symptoms increase between regulated oral intakes.
Is marijuana bad for you?
It is difficult to determine how much harm is caused by the consumption of a substance, what type, and to whom : if I smoke a cigarette, for example, I may obtain the “benefit” of reducing anxiety, but increase lung damage for myself and those around me. (among other negative consequences). A very important study from 2010 , carried out in the United Kingdom, decided to confront this problem by differentiating, on the one hand, how much damage it causes to the consumer, and how much to those around them. Regarding self-harm, the work differentiates three types: (a) physical (which includes damage and mortality in relation to drug use), (b) psychological (which details the degree of dependence, the deterioration in mental functioning produced by drugs), and (c) social (such as the deterioration or loss of ties).
At the top of the damage (self and others) is the most legally and culturally accepted drug: alcohol, with 72% of damage to the user and 47% to the rest. This position is not surprising if we consider, among other things, the number of car accidents caused by drunk people or acts of family violence.
After alcohol, we have three so-called hard drugs: heroin, crack and cocaine, with values well below alcohol. Who is behind cocaine? Tobacco, with 26% harm to the consumer and 10% to the rest. Then come amphetamines, and only in eighth place does marijuana appear, with values of 20% (own) and 9% (foreign).
Now, the fact that it is less harmful than other substances, even legal ones, does not mean that it is harmless.
Is marijuana addictive?
Frequent marijuana use does not necessarily generate dependence ; It develops in less than half of those who consume it every day . However, it has been observed that daily consumption can encourage dependence , that is, the user cannot control the amount or frequency of consumption, and that this consumption is problematic for themselves and others.
Approximately 9% of people who tried marijuana developed an addiction , a relatively low number compared to the 15% of those who tried cocaine and 24% of those who tried heroin. In the case of a legal drug, such as alcohol, it is estimated that problematic use occurs in 10 to 15% of cases . However, as the number of users is greater, it affects more people.
What effects does marijuana have on the brain?
Little is still known about its effects in the medium and long term because, due to the years of prohibition, there is still little scientific research. Some effects have been discovered on the development of younger people.
The negative effects of marijuana use in young people are deeper, and have more consequences over time, because their brain is still forming. This stage lasts until approximately 21 years of age. A 2014 study shows differences between the brains of boys aged 18 to 25 who frequently smoked marijuana and boys who did not. Those who used showed abnormalities in regions related to reward, emotion and addiction mechanisms (mainly the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala). A 2015 work , however, replicated the study and reached the opposite conclusion, that is, that frequent consumption in this population did not cause significant changes in those regions. This means that it is still not known for sure what effects marijuana has on the brains of young people.
On the other hand, it has been shown that frequent consumption causes cognitive deterioration : a study carried out in New Zealand showed that prolonged consumption from adolescence to adulthood generated an average loss of 8 IQ points by the time they reached 38 years of age. A drop of about 4 IQ points was also seen in school-aged teenagers who smoked at least 5 joints a week.
Does it have effects on memory? A single dose of THC has been shown to affect verbal memory and working memory, although it is not known how long they may persist after the effect wears off . The study indicates that it is very likely that these deficiencies will persist in the long term, especially if cannabis varieties with high THC content begin to be regularly consumed, especially at a young age.
Can it cause schizophrenia? The studies in this regard are still inconclusive. In the 1960s and 1970s, scientists believed it was, and in fact, several studies link cannabis use to this disease. A recent study, however, proposes a new explanation for this phenomenon, stating that drug use and dependence are, in fact, another symptom of a previous schizophrenic disorder.
In sum. The medicinal use of marijuana has many benefits and there is a huge field of knowledge that opens up with it. Recreational use of marijuana has neurocognitive effects that are harmful, although here too we need more research. We know, however, that they are much lower than those of other drugs , whether illegal (such as cocaine or heroin) or legal (such as alcohol and tobacco). Knowing this, and taking into account that its possession – even in small quantities – remains illegal in Argentina, it is important that those who use it do so with responsibility and information, taking special care of the youngest.