This is a time of year when many people tend to splurge. They take an extra helping of mashed potatoes, they leave a check in the mailbox for the postman, they bake cookies for their coworkers. This is also a time of year when splurging on yourself can be a great reward: it’s a time to open up your wallet and say, “Ah….I think I’ll buy myself that.” For those who want to splurge on a cigar – who want to purchase an expensive cigar that they normally wouldn’t buy – the following is a list of stogies that can truly give you your money’s worth.
The Ashton VSG Wizard Regularly: The Ashton VSG series, with the VSG standing for Virgin Sun Grown, has been in circulation since 1999. Full of body, this line of cigars features maximum flavor protected by an Ecuadorian-grown wrapper. This line provides the consumer with cigars pressed in elegant boxes.
Arturo Fuente Don Carlos # 3: Some cigar lovers swear that Arturo Fuente is the man of their dreams, the brand that offers the finest smoking enjoyment around. In existence for over four generations, the Arturo Fuente line is a line dedicated to roots, both familial and tobacco. These cigars are made with the finest craftsmanship: blood, sweat, and tears go into each one rolled. The Arturo Fuente family personally selects each leaf used. This results in a line of cigars internationally recognized as one of the finest in the world.
C.A.O. CX2 Cameroon – Ahead of its time, the C.A.O. CX2 cigars are the first kind to use two Cameroon leaves for one blend. With a Grade 1 Cameroon wrapper on the outside and a second Cameroon leaf as the binder, the ending result of this cigar is one that is flavorful and earthy. The C.A.O. CX2 Cameroon cigar makes those who smoke it feel as though they are teetering between Columbia and Nicaragua, enjoying a cigar rich, spicy, and sweet all at the same time.
Dona Flor Churchill – The Dona Flor line allows the smoker to get a taste of Brazil. Filled with the best Mata Fina Tobacco, the makers of these cigars are dedicated from seed to finish; they have made their reputation on consistency and quality. The Dona Flor cigars are sought after internationally because of their distinct aroma and flavor. The smallest cigar in this line is all a connoisseur will need to know it was rolled with the utmost attention and cigars online
La Flor Dominicana Mambises – The tobaccos of the Dominican Republic are among the finest in the world, with many people arguing that they are even better than tobacco grown in Cuba. The La Flor Dominicana may be all a smoker needs to believe this argument has credence. These cigars have the rare talent of being packed with flavor and punch, but staying mild enough to smoke during any time of day.
Olivia Master Blends 2 Torpedo – These cigars are Nicaraguan tobacco at its finest. The third line in a series of great cigars, these are made to epitomize the rich flavor of Nicaragua’s soil and the fresh taste of a sun-grown wrapper. While the tobacco leaves used to make these cigars were once “kept in the family,” and only reserved for those related, Olivia has begun releasing the leaves recently harvested. This creates a line of cigars that are a one time shot; it’s a smoke as rare as they come.
Romeo Y Julieta Vintage VI – These cigars are cigars made for special occasions, such as the holidays or those times in your life when a war between the Capulets and Montagues is keeping you from the person you love. Merging together three great regions, these cigars contain a wrapper from Ecuador, a binder from Mexico, and a filler from the Dominican Republic. The result of this union is a mild to medium bodied smoke that will never get old; this is an archetypical cigar named for an archetypical love story.
Cigars, like many luxuries, can be expensive; they are rolled with extravagance in mind. While you might enjoy the less expensive cigars, the ones you can buy frequently, every once in a while you might hear a more expensive one calling your name, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and your ash tray. When this happens, go ahead and splurge: smoke ’em if you got ’em and buy ’em if you don’t.